BLANCHARD, THOMAS E. (1842 - 1928)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 17, 1920)

T.E. Blanchard Robbed in Oakland

Oakland Sept. 16- Thomas E. Blanchard of Santa Cruz suffered an experience, losing a $70 roll of currency. Mr. Blanchard was in the city in attendance at the Methodist conference.

Joseph Davis of Walnut Creek also reported to the police that while he was in town taking advantage of the "dollar day" bargains offered at the various stores his pockets were picked of $55

(Santa Cruz Evening News (September 14, 1921)

Two Civil War Veterans to Visit old Friends, Comrades

On the 20th of this month, Colonel W.V. Lucas and Thomas E. Blanchard, two esteemed citizens of Santa Cruz will leave here for Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the National Encampment of the G.A.R.

T.E. Blanchard Addition

"Sergeant Blanchard was the Sergeant of the 24th Iowa Infantry, and was wounded in his left arm at Cedar Creek, Virginia. He also will make an extended visit to Canyon City, Colorado, and to a grandson and three great grandsons at Newton Kansas and on the return trip will visit an old comrade at Savanna Ill. 94 years of age, who was in the same company; a cousin at Marion Iowa also Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, where he graduated as attorney before the Civil War; from there to Tipton, Iowa, to attend a reunion of his regiment, which he feels will probably be the last that regiment will ever hold, as they are getting to be so few in number. The ones he will meet at the college town will be grand children of his old school mates. He will, before returning home visit a daughter and two grandsons at Grand Forks, ND , and will be home the latter part of October.

At Andrew, Iowa, he will visit his birthplace and the graves of some of his children, who were buried there. Sergeant Blanchard will be 80 years of age next February 15th".

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October 26, 1922)

Returns from G.A.R. Encampment

T.E. Blanchard returned Tuesday evening from the national G.A.R. encampment, held at Des Moines Iowa September 25-29. The week following he attended a reunion of his regiment, the 24th Iowa infantry, held at Cedar Rapids Iowa. While absent he visited Cornell college, at Mt. Vernon, where he was formerly a student; also visiting relatives at Marion and Mt. Vernon, Iowa, at Newton Kansas, at Canyon City, Colorado and Sacramento California.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 20, 1927)

T.E. Blanchard Receives Injuries

T.E. Blanchard the aged Civil War veteran who resides on High street is at the Mission hospital under treatment for injuries received when he fell on the steps of his home.

He was taken to the hospital by Howard Johnson in the ambulance and is being treated by Dr. W.H. Keck and Dr. A.N. Nittler.

An X-ray was taken by Mrs. A. R. Atwood and it was found that no bones were broken. He was reported last night as resting well.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 18, 1928)

Old Soldier Answers Taps

Thomas E. Blanchard, an old soldier known by the G.A.R. the country over, and a churchman high in the council of the Methodist church, passed away on Sunday at the home where he resided with his daughter Mrs. Luella Blanchard, at 131 High street. Since coming here from South Dakota 22 years ago, he has been active in church, fraternal and civic affairs.

Mr. Blanchard's birthplace was in Iowa, and he was born 86 years ago.

Practically all his life he has been a member of the Methodist church, and many times has he attended the general conference, and until recent years always attended the Northern California conference. In local First church he served on the official board, was on the board of trustees, and for many years taught in the Sunday school.

In fraternal life he was identified with the Masons.

Mr. Blanchard is a past commander of Wallace-Reynolds post, G.A.R., being a veteran of the Civil War, and often attended the state department and the national department gatherings, and was known throughout the country among the veterans of the Civil War.

Politically he was a Republican and has been in the party from its beginning. He was an ardent temperance advocate and prohibitionist.

Mr. Blanchard was a gentleman of culture, and kept abreast of the thought and movements of the day. Surviving are his daughter, Miss Luella Blanchard of this city, a son E.T. Blanchard of Los Angeles, and a daughter, Mr. G. Sturtevant of Grand Forks, ND, and his sister in law, Mrs. Gertrude Bentley of North Dakota, who is here at the present time. The body is at the Chase mortuary, and funeral arrangements will be made upon the arrival of the son from Los Angeles.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 20, 1928)

Services For T.E. Blanchard

Many were present at the First Methodist church yesterday for the services for the late Thomas E. Blanchard. the friends of the church, the Masons, G.A.R. and Woman's Relief Corps were present.

The many floral tributes were banked about the altar and were beautiful.

The pastor, the Rev. Joseph C. Carpenter pastor of the church, was in charge of the service. He read the scripture and prayers, all breathing words of comfort.

Dr. I. B. Bristol. a former pastor and close friend, gave a number of personal reminiscences of the life of the one that has gone on.

The G.A.R. service according to the ritual was read at the church and Miss Melba McKenna and J.L. Hauschildt sang "Jesus Savior Pilot Me" and "Shall W Gather at the River."

The burial was at the SCruz/OMP cemetery, where the Masonic service was conducted by Worshipful Master James Chapman and George Morgan as chaplain. The committal service was by Rev. Joseph Carpenter.

The pallbearers were J.H. Garrett, C.D. Hinkle, J.L. Hauschildt, alter Carmean, George Huntoon and John Williams.

Date of Birth: 1842-02-15

Date of Death: 1928-16-09

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Oakwood Memorial Park

Plot: O7/03

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Hrt/Related

Occupation: Attorney

Height: 5'7

Local Address: High St. 131

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: IA

Father Native of: J.

Mother Native of: Esgate_ Charlotte (MO)

Enlisted: 1862/08/14

Discharged: 1865/07/17

Military Unit: IA_ 24 Inf_ Co A

Rank: Sgt

Military Notes: R-Sabula_ W-CdrCrk_M/O Svnha

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: W&R 1925 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0083


Nelson, Robert L. “BLANCHARD, THOMAS E. (1842 - 1928).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.