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  • Tags: Clipping filed under: Gays and Lesbians
CF-20200603-A thouseand marchers take part in 25th0001.PDF
photos by Dan Coyro; headline: Out on the town Annual Gay Pride Parade makes a colorful splash along Pacific Avenue

Date: 1999-06-07
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20200531-In gay apparel0001.PDF
no source; photos by Ruth Rabinowitz

Date: 1994-05-12
Type: NEWS

CF-20200531-Centering of gay energies0001.PDF
photo by Greg Pio

Date: 1988-05-19
Source: Good Times
Type: NEWS

CF-20200603-2 lesbians, charge bias, sue firm0001.PDF

Date: 1993-07-21
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

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