Browse Items(228 total)

  • Tags: Clipping filed under: Taxes

Date: 1993-06-21
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

Date: 1992-06-10
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS


Date: 1991-10-14
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Date: 1991-07-10
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

Photo of Mayor Jane Yokoyama.

Date: 1991-05-08
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Pie chart: Inter-County Distribution of Property Taxes.

Date: 1991-05-07
Source: Mid-County Post
Type: NEWS

Meeting of ACTIV, Alliance of California Taxpayers and Involved Voters. Speakers were Carolyn Busenhart and Lee Phelps.

Date: 1991-05-02
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

Also: Wilson proposes tax increases: Governor's plan to cut huge deficit.

Date: 1991-04-26
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

Date: 1991-02-21
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

Passage of Measure E.

Date: 1990-12-20
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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