Browse Items(252 total)

  • Tags: Clipping filed under: Politics and Government (Santa Cruz County)
No author cited.

Date: 1982-07-29
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Date: 1984-02-29
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Gary Patton named to the board of the Planning and Conservation League.

Date: 1984-03-14
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Date: 1984-05-17
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

Case involving county's $200 limit on campaign contributions. No author cited.

Date: 1984-05-03
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

Dave Tunno's candidacy for Board of Supervisors. No author cited.

Date: 1984-02-09
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

Robley Levy's candidacy for Board of Supervisors.

Date: 1984-05-13
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

Date: 1984-05-17
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

Topics within newsletter include: An Unsettled World"; "Economic Recovery: The Jury Is Still Out"; "Fair Marketing for Perishable Crops"; "Providing Health Care Options"; "Telephone Service: Keeping It affordable and Efficient"."

Date: 1984-12-00
Type: NEWS

Topics within newsletter include: Trade Deficits: An Economic Time Bomb"; "Protecting the Coastal Environment"; "Defense Changes in our Area; "Foreign Language Education: The Fourth R";"Reapportionment: New Lines for the 16th District"."

Date: 1984-03-00
Type: NEWS

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