Browse Items(17 total)

  • Tags: Clipping filed under: LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission)
CF-20201217-LAFC gets tough on annexations0001.PDF

Date: 1969-11-20
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-Independent LAFC0001.PDF
Sentinel Editorial

Date: 1978-08-23
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-Felton incorporation groups also makin0001.PDF
no source

Date: 1970-07-22
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-Fairgrounds annexed to sanitation dist0001.PDF

Date: 1987-11-05
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-Ex-director of LAFCO defends actions0001.PDF
Cecil Smith

Date: 1978-09-27
Source: Green Sheet
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-County adopts complex filing form for 0001.PDF

Date: 1969-11-20
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20201217-Another battle brews over annexation e0001.PDF

Date: 1988-12-08
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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