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  • Tags: Minority Groups
'WE'LL ABIDE BY ORDERS,' SAYS ONE OF COLONYPajaro valley's alien Japanese population will accept quietly the government's edict, removing them from a coastal area roughly bounded by State Highway No. 1, I. Motoki, prominent local Japanese, declared…

Date: 1942-02-04
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian , page 1
Type: NEWS

"I have been working on camouflage nets for the army," writes Art "Fiddles" Kitahara, until recently at Santa Anita assembly center in Arcadia.Kitahara was a lightweight football and basketball star at Santa Cruz high. In his last season he was an…

Date: 1942-10-01
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 7
Type: NEWS

We have been asked what other editors of smaller city daily newspapers think about the lifting of the exclusion order against west coast Japanese. Through the cooperation of the United Press, we can pass on the following editorial comments on the…

Date: 1944-12-28
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian , page 4
Type: NEWS

Date: 1996-


Date: 2013
Source: Crowbear, Bianca

That the Japs should be definitely barred from the west coast and that legislation should be adopted to prevent their return was the majority consensus of county citizens who gathered in Watsonville Wednesday and Thursday nights of last week for a…

Date: 1943-07-16
Source: Riptide , page 1
Type: NEWS

Italian, Japanese and German aliens in Santa Cruz who may have harbored a hope that some disposition would come to exclude them from the evacuation order, had those hopes completely quashed Tuesday in a justice department announcement from Washington…

Date: 1942-02-03
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1
Type: NEWS

Memorial services for Japanese-American soldiers of the U.S. Army who lost their lives in World War II are to be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Watsonville Pioneer cemetery under the auspices of the Young Buddhist association.Rev. Y.…

Date: 1946-05-26
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian , page 2
Type: NEWS

To the editor:Quoting from G. W. Cornell's letter of Sept. 20 to the editor, "everything possible should be done to encourage all Japanese to return to their native land and..." Perhaps we could have just as easily relocated elsewhere but, my dear…

Date: 1945-09-26
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian , page 3
Type: NEWS

SAN FRANCISCO, (Special) --Although Japanese-Americans are employed as interpreters in the Pacific theaters of war, the war department will not use nisei as combat soldiers against Japanese armies, declares Lt. Col. Harrison A. Gerhardt, general…

Date: 1944-04-28
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian , page 3
Type: NEWS

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