Browse Items(282 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Watsonville-Annexation"
CF-20190613-Chamber supports Franich annexation0001.PDF

Date: 1988-08-14
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Riverside Dr. area

Date: 1997-08-31
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20191205-City considers de-annexing on west sid0001.PDF

Date: 1981-02-04
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20191212-City council kills annexation0001.PDF

Date: 1985-08-28
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190614-City council opens way to annexation0001.PDF
Riverside Dr. area

Date: 1995-12-13
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20191205-City council shoots down annexation0001.PDF

Date: 1982-02-24
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190615-City council to addresss annexations0001.PDF
Riverside Dr. and Freedom areas

Date: 1997-09-22
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190615-City funds requested to boost lafco me0001.PDF
Watsonville Economic Development Council

Date: 1997-09-12
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190615-City gives annexation its support0001.PDF
Riverside Dr. area

Date: 1997-09-24
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190619-City looks to annex farmland for shopp0001.PDF

Date: 2012-04-21
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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