Browse Items(1674 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Santa Cruz Public Libraries "

Date: 1986-11-17
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20180927-'Someting for Everyone' slogan for pub0001.PDF
no author; part of a series of articles about the county's libraries

Date: 1952-03-12
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News
Type: NEWS

CF-20181011-'What do I hear for this priceless...0001.PDF
picture, 3 copies

Date: 1966-09-11
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20181024-'Who's the boss' Issue arises at libra0001.PDF
Porter Memorial Library, Soquel

Date: 1979-08-06
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS
The 'Yes on B -- Library Bonds' contingent of the 1964 Memorial Day parade. The $1.4 million bond issue was to fund construction of the Eastside branch and a new main library building to replace the Carnegie library which opened in Santa Cruz in…

Date: 1964
Yes on B -- Library Bonds' display in front of the ivy-covered Santa Cruz Carnegie library. The bonds were to fund construction of a replacement building, as the Carnegie library did not have sufficient storage or shelving. The bond measure failed in…

Date: 1964

CF-20181121-$10,000 gift for library0001.PDF

Date: 1980-12-01
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20181019-1,100 residents demand Garfield librar0001.PDF

Date: 1978-08-07
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20180927-1500 will have visited public library0001.PDF
no author; no source

Date: 1952-11-23
Type: NEWS

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