Browse Items(68 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Geology"
CF-20200213-United states department CF-143870001.PDF
Graphs, maps. Open-File Report. Rainfall that triggered abundant debris avalanches in the San Francisco Bay region, California during the storm of January 3-5, 1982"."

Date: 1983-10-01
Source: United States Department of the Interior
Type: NEWS

CF-20190208-Scientists weren't surprised0001.PDF
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake

Date: 1990-04-19
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20180310-Earthquake question isn'e if, but when0001.PDF
photo of Ted Snyder

Date: 1979-09-21
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

rebuilding after the Loma Prieta earthquake at the summit

Date: 1991-10-10
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

earthquake in 1984

Date: 1984-04-25
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20200209-Despite problems, sc county remains sa0001.PDF

Date: 1982-04-29
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20171102-Westside beaches prime candidates for 0001.PDF

Date: 1998-11-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20180104-City ponders how to fund new West Clif0001.PDF
Article incomplete

Date: 1998-11-28
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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