Browse Items(106 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Earthquake-1989-Rebuilding (Santa Cruz County)"
CF-20190222-Quake-repair permits made easier0001.PDF
Santa Cruz County planning dept creates earthquake repair division to streamline rebuilding process for property owners.

Date: 1990-09-13
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

CF-20190222-Quake-funds confusion0001.PDF
Jan Beautz.

Date: 1991-09-26
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

CR-20180209-Quake-damaged building expected to reo0001.PDF
Cafe Sparrow building. Photocopy with photo of Jim Broadwell.

Date: 1990-03-14
Source: Watsonville Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

20170629-Quake damaged aptos village sites sold0001.PDF
Henri Jeanrenaud buys Soquel Dr. property from Paul Johnston. Aptos copy is photocopy, dated 5/5/1990.

Date: 1990-05-06
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170630-Quake volunteers receive Aptos chamber aw0001.PDF
Photos of Suzanne Gamble, John Fisher. Capitola/Aptos Rotary, Aptos Lions Club, Seascape Village, Aptos Center, Aptos High Sports Foundation, Erik Johnson also honored.

Date: 1990-10-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

Date: 1990-07-25
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

CF-20190222-Quake survivors recall fateful day0001.PDF
Former Ford's Department store employees reunite to give thanks for their survival. The store was destroyed in the 89' earthquake, killing a customer and injuring an employee.

Date: 1998-03-09
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190222-Quake repairs debate0001.PDF
Santa Cruz County supervisors debate whether to relax building permits to allow homeowners to make repairs. The conflict is between retaining a high standard of public safety at the expense of some victims or to allow victims to recover and…

Date: 1990-08-23
Source: San Jose Mercury News
Type: NEWS

Date: 1990-12-28
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190222-Quake grant program axed in Bush budge0001.PDF
Bush cuts could curtail rebuilding efforts. Leon Panetta.

Date: 1990-02-01
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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