Browse Items(34 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Abortion"
20170526-The plight of the woman seeking0001.PDF

Date: 1970-08-20
Source: Cabrillo Times and Green Sheet
Type: NEWS

20170526-Funds approved for abortin equipment0001.PDF

Date: 1972-12-12
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170526-'Pro-Life' group sees abortion as0001.PDF
part 2 of a 3-part series

Date: 1974-09-30
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170526-A day at the abortion clinic0001.PDF

Date: 1982-06-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170526-Abortion One woman's story0001.PDF

Date: 1982-06-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (?)
Type: NEWS

20170526-In the name of humanity0001.PDF

Date: 1982-06-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170526-Anti-abortion advertisement0001.PDF

Date: 1983-01-26
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

20170526-NOW steps up fight for0001.PDF
includes related article "Business as usual for local pro-life group"

Date: 1989-01-07
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

20170526-Business as usual for local0001.PDF
Included with article "NOW steps up fight for 'reproductive rights'"

Date: 1989-01-07
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

20170526-Anti-abortion group plans0001.PDF

Date: 1989-01-20
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

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